- pril
in de pril le jeugd — в ранней юности
* * *сущ.общ. het prille groen - молодая зелень, in het prille begin - в самом начале, in mijn prille jeugd - в ранней молодости
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
in de pril le jeugd — в ранней юности
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
pril — pril·lion; cap·to·pril; enal·a·pril; … English syllables
Pril — Logo Pril ist ein Geschirrspülmittel des Henkel Konzerns. Es wurde 1951 von dessen Tochtergesellschaft Böhme Fettchemie als erstes synthetisches Spülmittel entwickelt und kam zunächst als Pulver auf den Markt. Von den bisherigen Spülmitteln… … Deutsch Wikipedia
A|pril — «AY pruhl», noun. the fourth month of the year. It has 30 days. Abbr: Apr. ╂[< Latin Aprīlis] … Useful english dictionary
prilocaine — pril·o·caine pril ə .kān n a local anesthetic related to lidocaine and used in the form of its hydrochloride C13H20N2O·HCl as a nerve block for pain esp. in surgery and dentistry * * * n. a local anaesthetic used particularly in ear, nose, and… … Medical dictionary
Prilosec — Pril·o·sec pril ə .sek trademark used for a preparation of omeprazole * * * Pril·o·sec (prilґo sek) trademark for a preparation of omeprazole … Medical dictionary
prillare — pril·là·re v.intr. e tr. RE tosc. 1a. v.intr. (avere) girare su se stesso con rapidità: far prillare una trottola 1b. v.tr., far ruotare velocemente su se stesso: prillare il fuso 2. v.intr. (avere) di qcn., compiere giri su se stesso, piroettare … Dizionario italiano
prillato — pril·là·to p.pass., agg. → prillare … Dizionario italiano
prillo — prìl·lo s.m. RE tosc. 1. rapida rotazione di un oggetto intorno al proprio asse 2. trottola 3. giravolta, piroetta 4. RE centr., corriere grosso {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1871. ETIMO: der. di prillare … Dizionario italiano
prillion — pril·lion … English syllables
prelim — /ˈprilɪm/ (say preelim) noun 1. any event, as an examination or sporting contest, which is preliminary to the main event. 2. (plural) the preliminary pages preceding the main text of a work. {abbreviation of preliminary} …
preloved — /ˈprilʌvd/ (say preeluvd) adjective Colloquial (sometimes humorous) second hand …